Transitioning new eBROK environment

When will the new eBROK course be launched?

The new eBROK course will be launched mid-August 2024.

Can I still purchase the current eBROK course after the launch of the new course?

No. However, the current eBROK course will still be available to students who have already purchased the course until December 31, 2024. It is still possible to purchase a retake between September and December 2024.

What happens to current students after the launch of the new course?

After the launch of the new course, students who purchased the old course will have access to the current course environment until December 31, 2024. They can also still take exams or re-exams within the "old" environment.  They can choose if they want to complete their course, with exam, in the old environment or if they want access to the new environment without exam. More information on how to request this access will follow.

Is the structure of the new course similar to the old course?

No, the structure will be different. In addition, the new course, available from September, will not be completed with an exam.

Can I transfer my progress from the old course to the new course?

No, progress within the course is not carried over if you choose to access the new course environment.

What happens if I have completed the old course and passed the exam?

If you have completed the old course and passed the exam, your certification will remain valid.

Can I choose to complete my course with exam in the old environment or access the new environment without an exam?

Yes, students who have already purchased a course can choose to complete their course, with exam, in the old environment or access the new environment without exam, provided their purchased product has not yet expired. More information on how to request this access follows.

Where can I find more information about the new eBROK course and the transition period for current students?

More information about the new eBROK course and transition period will be provided at a later date.

Frequently asked questions about logging in

I cannot log in, because my email address is already in use. What should I do?

An account is already available at your email address. On the login page, click the [Forgot your username or password?] button. Here you can enter the email address in the username field and click at the [Search] button. An email with instructions to set a new password will be sent.

I have not yet received login details, but have already paid. What should I do?

There are several reasons why this may be so;

  • you have chosen that your institution pays (Kostenplaats). The BROK coordinator of your institution must first approve your application. This can take up to 2 working days.
  • you have chosen your institution pays (Kostenplaats). The BROK coordinator of your institution has already admitted you, but the e-mail has ended up in your spam folder. Then try to log in with the information you provided. 
  • you paid yourself. You will then receive the email with login details when the payment has been received.

 If this does not help you out, submit a ticket with the [Contact] button.

I previously participated in the old eBROK, can I use my old login details?
No, unfortunately that is not possible. The eBROK has been taken over by a new provider (Elevate). You will always have to purchase a new product before you can log in.
I want to log in but cannot reset my password. What should I do?

You can log in with your email address registered in the eBrok environment as a username and the password you have set. If the username or password is no longer known, you can click on [Forgotten your username or password?] on the login page. If your details are found in the database, you will receive an email with instructions to log in again.
How long do I have access to the eBROK learning environment?

When you have completed the entire eBROK course, or have access to Re-registration, you will immediately have access to the eBROK learning environment for one year.  If you yourself are paying, this year will commence after you have paid for the access. If your employer at a umc, the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital/Netherlands Cancer Institute, or the Princess Maxima Centres is paying, you will gain access as soon as the BROK coordinator of the institution in question has approved your participation.  NB: There may be a few working days between your registration and the approval by the BROK coordinator. If your employer pays via a 'different institution’, you will gain access as soon as the invoice has been paid. 

If you want to retain access to the course materials and the learning environment for longer, you can take out a subscription. You can find more information about this subscription under the heading entitled 'the eBROK subscription' in these FAQ.

NB: access to the eBROK learning environment is separate from BROK certification. The BROK certificate you are awarded is valid for three years. You need to have access to the eBROK learning environment in order to renew it.  

Frequently asked questions (re) certification, exams and center-specific meetings

I have gone through the re-registration, do I get a certificate?
You will receive a new certificate from the EMWO.
I have gone through the re-registration, will I still receive notice?

After all mandatory components have been completed, a notification will appear in the eBROK environment. The certification is (when all requirements are met) automatically adjusted in the BROK register. You will receive a certificate by email from the EMWO exam office.

Please note: This may take a while.
How long is my BROK certification valid?

Your BROK certification is valid for three years. The certification commences on the date on which you have fulfilled all four conditions for obtaining the BROK certification and this has been acknowledged by the EMWO. If you want to receive a certificate and/or be included in the BROK register, this date will also be stated.  

The BROK certification will expire after three years. It is important that you renew the BROK certification on time if you want to continue working in the field of medical scientific research. If you do not do this before your registration has expired, you will have to take and pass the entire course again. You will also have to redo exams. The only thing you will not have to do is attend a centre-specific meeting. 

I have to take an exam, what materials can I use?
You have access to all materials from the eBROK learning environment anyway. For all other questions about the exam, please visit the EMWO website (
What does the BROK examination imply and where can I register?

The BROK examination is organised by the EMWO. Under the Schedule tab tab you will find the dates of the examinations at the various institutions. The examination is a computer-based examination. During this open book examination, you are only allowed to use the information from the eBROK environment (including urls to the websites which the study text refers to), except the forum. Other websites are not allowed.

Do I have to do the BROK examination at my own institution?

NNo, you do not have to. You can also take the BROK examination somewhere else. Under the Schedule tab you can find the dates of the various examinations at the different institutions. You can choose where you take the examination yourself.

Am I only allowed to take the BROK examination after attending the CSB and completing the activities in the eBROK learning environment

No, not necessarily, but it is our preference. To obtain your BROK certification, you must fulfil all four of the conditions: It is preferable first to complete the activities in the eBROK learning environment, then attend the CSB and then finally take the examination. However, this is not a must.

When will I have passed the BROK examination?

A score of at least 80% is sufficient to pass the examination.

I failed the examination. What should I do now?

You will need to apply for a resit. You can do that via the eBROK learning environment. Do not forget, this only covers you taking a resit. The initial access to the eBROK learning environment is valid for one year.

I have a complaint about the examination. Where can I submit it?

Complaints or questions about the examination can be submitted to the examinations office, by sending an email to

I want to do the reregistration, but am not in the BROK register, what should I do?
You can contact the EMWO, they manage the BROK register. They can send you the necessary information. You can email to
Where can I change my CSB date?
You can change your CSB date up to 1 (one) day before the scheduled CSB in the 'Agenda' tab.

For the reregistration, I need a candidate number. Where can I find this? 
You can find the candidate number in the BROK register.
Please note, make sure you fill in the correct number, otherwise your reregistration will not come through accordingly!
Where can I change my exam date?
You can change your exam date up to 9 days before the planned exam in the 'Agenda' tab.
Please note, it is not possible to change the date from 9 days before the exam.
When you've failed the exam, you can purchase a re-take 1 day after the first original exam. 
How can I purchase a re-exam? 

To purchase a re-exam you must first log out. On the landing page of you can click on [I want to retake the exam]. Then click on [buy now], after which you can log in as you normally do and you can plan the re-exam. You can only purchase a re-exam if your previous exam was at least 24 hours ago. 

Frequently asked questions about the learning environment

I would like to use the forum. How do I access it?

You access the forum by clicking the messages icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen to the left of your name.

How does the navigation within the learning environment work?

You can navigate between the various tabs on 'My homepage'. Here, you will find information about the Schedule, News, etc. Click a module to go to the module content. Complete all the relevant activities. Your progress can be followed on 'My homepage' and within a module itself.

When you log in to the eBROK learning environment for the first time, you will be given a user's tour of the course and the various functionalities. You can find this on 'My homepage’ and go through it again whenever you want. 

How can I change my profile and preferences?

Click 'My homepage’ on your photo on the top right of your screen and go directly to your profile. Click [Edit profile] to change your profile. Click at the top right on your name to change your notification settings via [Preferences].

Frequently asked other questions

Which requirements do I have to meet to obtain my certificate? 

If you meet the following requirements, you will receive a certificate or your certification will be renewed. Take a good look at the requirements for the product you have purchased! You find more information about the products in the More Information section below. 

For course participants who have purchased the complete course (course + exam + CSB) applies;

- You must have all compulsory modules at 100% (including the Practice module) 
- You have 1 optional module at 100% 
- You have passed the exam (score of 80% or higher) 
- You have a center-specific meeting attended (the BROK coordinator sets you up for this) 
- You have read all news items in the learning environment

For course participants who have purchased the re-registration within the validity of their certification (only re-registration at € 50) applies;

- You must have the Re-registration module at 100% 
- You must have read all news items in the learning environment

For course participants who have taken the re-registration, but whose certificate had already expired (course + exam at € 275) applies;

- You must have all compulsory modules at 100% (including the Practice module) 
- You have 1 optional module at 100% 
- You have passed the exam (score 80% or higher)  
- You must read all news items in the learning environment to have

Will I receive an invoice?
You will only receive an invoice if you have completed the payment yourself. You will then receive this by email. If you work for a umc, and have chosen to pay via [Cost center], the invoice will go directly to the institution indicated by you. 
I cannot open the modules, what should I do?

When purchasing the full eBROK course or re-registering (without respite), you will receive 1 year of access to the course materials. If your access has expired, the modules can no longer be opened. Access can be extended by selecting the option [Extend access] under [Register for the eBROK] on

Has your certification expired? Then you can register for the re-registration for students with an expired certification by choosing [The eBROK re-registration] at at [Registration for the eBROK].

I am looking for important documents.

Here you can find:

- Privacy statement
- Terms of delivery
- Training and Examination Regulations

Is your question not listed?

Is your question not listed here? Below you will find more information about the Certification, the Learning Environment and the Continuous Registration. Don't answer your question yet? Then submit a ticket via the 'Contact' button on the right side of your screen!

Last modified: Thursday, 23 May 2024, 10:12 AM