The BROK is intended to support you in increasing your knowledge and skills with regard to medical-scientific research. In de BROK you will learn everything about the laws and regulations, organization and implementation of research involving human subjects. The BROK certification is an aptitude test recognized in the Netherlands by the Dutch Federation of University Medical Centers (NFU) with regard to organization, legislation and regulations for medical-scientific research for researchers involved in human-related research. 

    Are you not sure which product you need? Click on the flowchart.

    Transition new eBROK environment
    A new eBROK course will be launched during this year. The current environment will still be available until Dec. 31, 2024. Want to know more? Then check out the FAQ.

    Flowchart FAQ 

    For participants who want to obtain the BROK certificate for the first time. 

    Participant get access until 31 December 2024. Before 31 december 2024, the six basic modules, at least one in depth module, a center specific meeting (CSB) and an exam (online or on location) should be completed. 

    ± 15 hours.

    BROK-certification with a validity of three years. 

    16 points (due to a change in national policy, this will change to 5 points from September 2024 onwards)

    €465,- for UMC participants.
    €565,- for participants of other institutions.

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    For participants who want to extend or renew their certificate. 

    Participants receive access until 31 december 2024. Before 31 december 2024, the re-registration module should be completed. Participants with an expired certificate have to complete the full eBROK again, with the exception of the CSB. 

    ± 8 hours (re-registration with valid certificate). 

    BROK-certification with a validity of three years. 

    5 points (due to a change in national policy, this will change to 3 points from September 2024 onwards)

    €75,- for participants with a valid certificate. 
    €275,- for participants with an expired certificate. 

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    For participants who have not successfully completed the exam. 

    The re-examination gives access to one new examination attempt. 

    Please note! You need to have access to the eBROK when making the exam. If you access expires before your re-examination, make sure to also purchase the product 'extend access'.  


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    For participants who want to use the eBROK environment as a reference work after obtaining a certificate. Students who have not completed the full eBROK or the re-registration (with an expired certificate) within one year, can use this product to continue with the eBROK. 

    You will receive access until 31 December 2024. Any progress in the course will be retained. 


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